Reese SWW-03 WEDGE KIT User Manual
Sidewinder, Wedge installation instructions

1. Verify the part number with shipping paper work. Verify that the wedge is named for your 5
hitch head or you have the universal wedge.
2. Verify that you also have two (2) 5/8 bolts and two (2) 5/8 lock washers.
3. With the truck unhooked from the
unit bolt the wedge to the Sidewinder. The
wedge needs to be positioned with
the narrow end towards the front of the
unit and the recessed area
downward. The recessed area is for socket
head clearance to the bolts. Install
bolts hand tight including the lock washers, then
slide the wedge to the rear most
position of the slot.
Caution DO NOT position yourself or others under the trailer kingpin area or
between the truck and trailer during coupling or uncoupling. Serious injury or
death may occur.
If it is necessary to place any part of your body under the trailer or between truck
and trailer:
• All tires MUST be blocked in front and behind AND
• Trailer landing gear MUST be resting on firm ground AND
• Truck MUST be stationary, in park, with emergency brake on
4. Hook the truck to the unit. Back straight into the Sidewinder. Make sure hitch jaws close. Pull
forward slightly to align truck, Sidewinder and 5
wheel in a straight position. Set brakes, turn off truck
and lower trailer landing gear to the ground.
5. Slide wedge forward to make contact in to the 5
wheel hitch head. A slight tapping on the rear of the
wedge with a hammer may help with this step.
6. Torque the wedge bolts to 160 ft. lbs.
7. Unhook the truck from the unit. Apply a small amount of grease to sides of the wedge block. This will
allow a much easier hook-up.
8. Connect the Sidewinder to your hitch in back of the truck making sure hitch jaws close. Back straight
into Sidewinder. Caution DO NOT position yourself or others under the trailer kingpin area
during coupling or uncoupling. Serious injury or death may occur.
9. Sidewinder will be hard to turn by hand until it has at least 500 miles on unit.
Cequent Towing Products
47774 W. Anchor Court
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone 866-352-7340
PCN9891 SWWIN REV B 10/24/07