Ransburg, Troubleshooting guide (cont.), Vector solo aa90 applicators - maintenance – Ransburg Vector Solo AA90 79698 User Manual
Page 46

Vector Solo AA90 Applicators - Maintenance
(Continued On Next Page)
General Problem
Possible Cause
Poor Wraparound
Paint Wraps Back
On Operator
No Paint Delivery
Excessive Surging
Persistent Nozzle
Poor atomization
Excessive exhaust velocity
Excessive fluid pressure
Applicator held too close to target
Paint too conductive
Poor target ground
See “Poor Atomization and Distribution”.
Reduce (with code limits).
Reduce air pressure to pump.
Hold applicator further back.
Consult Ransburg technical assistance.
Check ground integrity from target
through support to ground.
Poor ground on parts
Applicator held too far from parts
Booth exhaust insufficient or im-
properly rounted
Improper spray technique
Check that parts are fully grounded,
strip workholders.
Hold applicator closer.
Increase, or adjust direction, change
booth filter.
Keep applicator directed at work.
Clogged nozzle
Clogged hose or filters
No pressure at paint pump
Blow out nozzle.
If pump air supply OK, consult pump
Restriction in pump air line
Insufficient pump capacity
Clogged paint filter
Low air volume capacity
Nozzle too large
Remove restriction.
Secure larger pump or reduce output.
Service or replace.
Check factory air capacity.
Replace with correct nozzle.
Paint allowed to dry in nozzle or line
Paint applicator filter too coarse or
Paint pigments too coarse
Flush lines with solvent after each use.
Replace or change to finer screen
paint filter.
Pre-filter paint and/or use larger
nozzle orifice.