Fairbanks H90-5200-A Digital Instrument User Manual

Page 27

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The setpoint terminal block is marked Setpoints 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as a ground
terminal. The open collector relay driver output is capable of driving DC loads up to a
maximum of 60VDC @ 100mA.


G. Serial Output Operation and Programming

Each instrument has a serial output as a standard feature which may be configured for
RS-232 or a 20mA current loop. The connector, located on the back of the instrument,
is a water-proof, 9 pin circular connector. The connector is covered with a screw cap.

1. Programming Serial IO Interface

Refer to Appendix III for selected printer switch settings. Program the instrument to
match the selected printer.

a. To program the serial channel baud rate, etc., press FUNC, 3 to enter

the IO calibration mode The display will show “CAL I0”. Press the 7 key.

b. The display will show “SELCH x”, where x is the channel number. Enter the

channel number you wish to setup, i.e., 1, 2, or 3.

Channel 1 is the first serial output channel (RS-232 or current loop). Channel 2
is the optional serial output channel (RS-232 or current loop). Channel 3 is the
optional serial output channel (RS-485). To use the standard output, select
channel 1. With the proper accessory installed, select channel 2 or 3.

c. The display will show “b xxxx”. This is the output baud rate. Using the UP or

DOWN arrows, scroll through the baud rate choices, 300, 600,1200,
2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 When the desired baud rate is displayed, press
the ENTER key.

d. The display will show “StOP x , where “x” is 1 or 2. This is the number of stop

bits. Scroll through the choices with the UP or DOWN arrows and press
ENTER when the desired choice is displayed.

e. The display will show the parity, “odd”, “EUEN” or “NONE”. Scroll through the

choices with the UP or DOWN arrows and Press ENTER when the desired
choice is displayed.

f. The display will now show” CHAr x ,where x is 7 or 8 This is the number of

data bits per character. Scroll through the choice with the Up and Down arrow
keys and press ENTER at the desired value.

g. If Channel 1 is selected, the display will show “CtS x”, where x = 0 or 1. Enter

0 if you wish the instrument to transmit when the CTS (Clear To Send) line is
LOW (example: printer busy, active high), or if the CTS line is not used. Enter
1 if you wish the instrument to transmit when the CTS line is HIGH (example:



Issue #2 4/04