Fairbanks H90-5200-A Digital Instrument User Manual
Page 14
8. Zero Limit Selection
The display will read “OL xxx”, where the “xxx” is 100 or 2. The Zero Limit
controls the weight range over which the zero switch will operate. The weight
range is either 100% or +/- 2% of the scale capacity.
9. AUTO TARE Selection
The display will read “AtArEx”, where the “x” will be a 1 or a 0. The “1” indicates
the AUTOTARE key is enabled and the “0” indicates disabled.
10. Keyboard Tare Selection
The display will read “tArE x”, where “x” will be a 1 or a 0. The “1” indicates the
keyboard tare is enabled and the “0” indicates the keyboard tare is disabled.
11. Display Update Rate Selection
The display will read “SECx.x”, where the “x.x” represents the update rate in
seconds. The rates available are 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0.
12. Digital Filter Selection
The display will read “FF x”, where the “x” is the digital filter factor. The available
values are 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4. A “0” will disable the filter, a “1” will give a minimum
amount of filtering, and a “4” will give the maximum amount of filtering. The
digital filter is used to stabilize the weight display, when it behaves erratically
due to low signal levels or unstable weight on the platform. The more filtering,
the more stable the display will be.
NOTE: When using the remote display accessory, the update rate
must be 0.5 seconds or greater
13. Scale ID Selection
The display will read “id xxx” where “xxx” is the scale ID number used for polled
computer serial interface. If the computer polled with ID option is not used, ID
should be set to “0”. If the computer polled with ID option is used, any number
from 1 to 255 may be entered.
14. Time/Date Format Selection
The display will read “tdxxyy”, where “xxyy” is the format used to display and
print time (xx) and date (yy). The options available are “12” or “24” hour clock
for time and “US” (mo/day/yr) or “id” International date (day/mo/yr).
15. Security Code Selection
The display will read “S.COdE” to indicate the security code selection step. The
current security code is not shown. The security code is used to limit access to
front panel programming. A security code up to 6 digits long may be used. A
security code of “0” enables free access to all front panel programming.
Issue #2 4/04