Fairbanks H90-5200-A Digital Instrument User Manual
Page 20

If individual setpoints are used, the cutoff value is equal to the Setpoint entered minus
the PREACT value. If paired (Dual Feed) setpoints are used, the FAST FEED cutoff
(SP1&3) is equal to Setpoint - Dribble -Preact and the Dribble cutoff (SP2&4) is equal
to Setpoint - Preact.
With paired setpoints, setpoint outputs 1 and 3 are the FAST FEED outputs and
setpoint outputs 2 and 4 are the DRIBBLE outputs. Setpoint 1 is paired with Setpoint 2,
and Setpoint 3 is paired with Setpoint 4.
I. The front panel STOP key should never be used as the primary STOP control
(EMERGENCY STOP) in a critical batching operation.
2. The batch cycle will automatically stop if any operation interrupts the weight
monitoring process. For example, if print, zero or tare operations are initiated
during weight operations.
Up to 4 setpoints may be enabled and dribble, preact, discharge, zeroband
and setpoint inhibit options are available.
Display shows “SP AbA”:
The Auto batch mode is used to control simple filling operations where gates or valves
are controlled by the setpoint outputs and the operator desires to batch one set of
ingredients automatically after the START button is pressed. The Auto Batching mode
operates the same as the batch mode except that instead of requiring the operator to
press the START key to turn each setpoint ON and the STOP key to change setpoints,
the instrument will automatically sequence from the first setpoint to last setpoint. When
the last enabled setpoint has been reached, the instrument will automatically return to
the first setpoint and then turn OFF. The amount of delay, DELAY 1, between each
setpoint, or setpoint pairs, is programmable.
When the START button is pressed, if the instrument is not inhibited from operating by
the setpoint inhibit (refer to setpoint operation), the following sequence will occur:
a. If the Setpoint 1 (SP1) is enabled, and the Setpoint Autozero feature is
enabled, then the scale will be zeroed.
b. An autotare will occur and the indicator will switch to NET mode.
c. The first ingredient output(s) will turn on until the setpoint is reached.
d. The “ENABLED” indicator will start to flash and the delay time out will start. (If
the DELAY 1 = 0 an infinite delay will occur and START must be pressed.)
e. At the end of the delay, a print operation will occur if the batch print mode is
f. The instrument will switch to the next ingredient setpoint.
g. The “ENABLED” indicator stops flashing and an autotare will occur.
h. The setpoint is enabled.
i. When the displayed weight reaches the setpoint, the output will turn off. If
print mode is enabled, the currently displayed weight is printed, “AA BB SX”.
Issue #2 4/04