Span a gap, Least deflection under load, Measuring static and dynamic loading – PASCO ME-6992B Advanced Structures Set User Manual

Page 14: Static load, Dynamic load

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A d v a n c e d S t r u c t u r e s S e t

M e a s u r i n g S t a t i c a n d D y n a m i c L o a d i n g



Span a Gap

Give each group a set of plastic, half of a Bridge Set or a Truss Set. The goal is to span a gap of 60 cm. Then find
the member with the greatest compression and change the design of the bridge to minimize the maximum com-

Least Deflection Under Load

Give each group a Bridge Set. The goal is to span a given distance with a bridge that has the least deflection
under load. The bridge is loaded with a particular load that the bridge must be able to bear. The bridge that has
the least defection is the winner.

Measuring Static and Dynamic Loading

Static Load

Apply a static load to the bridge by hanging a
hooked mass from one of the floor beams and
insert load cells into the structure as shown in
Figure 24. Loosen all the screws in the structure
so the members are resting on their pins. This will
eliminate any extra moments due to the screws
and the tension and compression readings will
agree with the calculated values.

Dynamic Load

With the load cells inserted as shown in Figure
25, push the Dynamics Cart with its extra mass across the bridge. Zero the load cells before the measurement.
Examine which members are under tension or compression.

Figure 24: Measuring a static load

Figure 25: (Above) Recording the forces measured by the load cells as the cart traverses the PAStrack bridge.

(Right) DataStudio plot of load cell data.




Load cell



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