Data entry for 16-point, Test mode, Test mode k-factor calculation – Liquid Controls SP2850 (MS-649) User Manual

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Sponsler, Inc.

Model SP2850-TC with MS649

Page 18

DOC#: MN-2850


Press `D’ until `16 POINT’ appears on display. Press `ENT’. Press `D’ to step through options:

SECONDS (Scaled rate per second selected)
MINUTES (Scaled rate per minute selected)
HOURS (Scaled rate per hour selected)
TEST (Test mode-rate per second with 1 count for each input (fixed K-Factor of 1) selected)

Press `ENT’ when desired option is displayed
Point 00 will appear on the display. Press `ENT’ to exit the set up and go to run mode or key in a point number from
1 to 16 and press `ENT’
`K’ will flash with present K-Factor for that point. To change the K-Factor, press `CLR’ and key in desired K-Factor,
Press `ENT’.
Continue to step through the POINT numbers to view or change data. If a frequency of `0’ is entered in POINT 3 or
above, the unit will ignore data above that point number. A K-Factor generated from the line slope of the 2 previous
POINT entries will be applied to higher frequencies.
Exit `point set’ routine by setting the POINT 00 and press `ENT’.
Unit will go to run mode. `BAD FREQ’ will flash when exiting the set up mode if there is a sequence error. The unit
will then display the sequence error point # so that corrections can be made.
If `TEST’ is selected, point data can be entered into memory but when running, unit will add one count per each unit
(fixed K-Factor of `1’) and display frequency (rate per second) of incoming signal. (See TEST MODE)


A specific `TEST’ mode can be selected to help set up the points and K-Factors. If `TEST’ is selected the RATE (`R’ display) will
show the frequency (pulses per second) of the incoming signal. The TOTAL section will accumulate one count for each
incoming pulse.


To calculate the K-Factors for flow meters with pulse transmitters:

A) Set the 16 point units to `TEST’ and ENT point 00 to go to run mode.
B) At the lowest desired flow rate, reset the counter and let the unit count the incoming signal while the rate displayed is

C) Interrupt the input signal when the known tested volume has gone through the flow meter. Switch to count display
and read the number of counts that came in from the known volume as displayed on the unit. Divide the counts by the
volume that past through the meter to determine the number of counts for 1 unit of measure; gallon, cubic foot, etc.

D) Record this frequency and K-Factor for later entry into point 1 or point 2. (See NOTE B, Point Data Formatting to
determine if data should be entered in point 1 or 2).
E) Assign ascending point numbers to correspondingly ascending frequencies when recording frequency/
K-Factor data. A minimum of 3 points and a maximum of 16 points must be entered.