Hach-Lange AMTAX inter2 Basic User Manual User Manual

Page 111

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English 111

PASSCODE (Passcode protection on activation
--> 4-digit with numbers 1–4 via the keys F1–F4)
CLEANING (Trigger automatic cleaning, no, 6 h, 12 h, 1D–7D, start time for each: hourly. Recommendation: 1D (once a day)
--> last Date of the last auto-clean
CALIBRATE (Trigger automatic calibration
--> no 1D–7D, start time for each: hourly. Recommendation: 3D (every 3 days)
--> last Date of the last automatic calibration)
VERSION (Program version)
PHOTOME.VERS. (Photometer version)
SW-LOADABLE (EEPROM type - yes, no)
CONTACT (Responsible customer service branch)
BACKLIGHT (Display lighting)

MODBUS (Option)
--> Submenu for setting of the BUS-relevant parameters

ADDRESS (Adjustable slave address range of this
MODBUS participant
--> 1–247)
SPEED (Transfer rate in baud
--> 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600, 115,200)
NAME (Display of the name that was assigned via the bus to this
BUS-TEST (Reception test of the MODBUS protocol)

SETTINGS (one-channel operation)

SETTINGS (2 channel operation)

CONTRAST (Adjustable read-off angle of the display [temperature-dependent])
LANGUAGE (Menu guide: DE, EN, ordered language)
STANDARD (Concentration of the standard solution used):
0.5 (AMTAX inter 2 2)
4.90–5.10 in 0.01 steps (AMTAX inter 2 20)
34.0–36.0 in 0.1 steps (AMTAX inter 2 80)
RANGE (mg/L)
Measurement range of the device (for information)
--> 0.02–2.00 / 0.1–20.0 / 2.0–80