Clear-Com VOICE2 User Manual
Page 85
Vitec Group Communications
VoICE IP Interface User Manual
5 - 1 1
3. 32 kHz Sampling rate
a. Speex
b. Linear
The G.722 CODECs are low latency algorithms with only one available
bitrate for each which will function optimally in a contained LAN with
little or no packet loss.
Speex is more latent but provides a large variety of bitrates for each of
the sampling rate.
Linear CODEC is simply a PCM pass through with no encoding. It is
the optimal quality but uses a large amount of bandwidth.
Bitrate: The theoretical output bitrate of the codec chosen in kilobits
per seconds. This does not take into consideration the number of
milliseconds per IP packets as well as the IP/UDP overhead.
Frame Size: Number of millisecond of per IP/UDP packet. The larger
the frame, the lower the bandwidth. Note that the frame size is also the
minimum initial latency.
Min Jitter: Amount of minimum buffer time.
Max Jitter: Amount of maximum buffer time. Reducing the maximum
jitter buffer size will reduce overall delay but might cause audio packet
Silence Detection: Enables suppression of silence in transmit mode.
This option will significantly reduce the bandwidth usage.
Echo Cancel: If checked, acoustic echo cancellation will be enabled.
Note: After changing these parameters SOFT-VoICE will
disconnect from the VoICE server and reconnect to activate
the changes.