Soft-voice, Installation, Soft-voice -1 – Clear-Com VOICE2 User Manual
Page 75: Installation -1, Soft-voice installation start -1
Vitec Group Communications
VoICE IP Interface User Manual
5 - 1
To install SOFT-VoICE load the installation media (normally a CDROM)
and follow the instruction to run the SOFT-VoICE installer. The
SOFT-VoICE CDROM is designed to auto-run. If it does not, navigate
to the root directory of the CDROM and run autostart-host.htm
(required Internet Explorer 5.5 or later).
During the installation you will be required to enter the Serial Number
provided with the CDROM (normally on the case label).
A series of screens will guide the user through the installation.
Figure 5-1: SOFT-VoICE Installation Start
Click on the ‘Next’ button to start the installation. The software license
conditions will be displayed.