Burkert Type 2036 User Manual
Page 6
Basic safety instructions
Type 2036
3.1 use in ex area
Abbreviation “Ex”: see chapter "1.1 Definition of term / abbreviation"
3.1.1 safety instructions
For operation in Ex area Zone (gas) 1 and 2,
Zone (dust) 21 and 22, the following
The valve actuator is suitable for use as a Category 2 device for
Zone 1 and 21, non-electrical production equipment.
danger of explosion caused by electrostatic charge.
Depending on the conductivity of the medium, electrostatic charges
may occur on the valve membrane if plastic bodies are used.
To prevent electrostatic charges in the fluid, the following instructions
must be observed (as per IEC 60079-32-1):
▶ (1) Media with a conductivity ≤ 100 pS/m may only be used if no
flow speeds > 1 m/s occur or if the possibility of the pipe system
running dry is excluded by suitable monitoring.
▶ (2) Media with a conductivity > 100 pS/m and ≤ 1000 pS/m may
only be used if they are liquids without any particles, steam or pure
gases/steam, or if the instructions in (1) are observed.
▶ (3) Media with a conductivity > 1000 pS/m are not subject to any
further instructions:
▶ The user must ensure that the appliance is used in Zone 1/21 or
2/22 only.
▶ The control unit may restrict use in an explosive atmosphere. Follow
operating instructions for control unit.
▶ Check that any cleaning agents are approved for use in explosive
3.1.2 Media temperature
▶ If explosive media are used this can cause additional explosion risks.
▶ If media temperatures are used between 130 °C and 150 °C,
the temperature class T3 / 200 °C applies (dust).
Media temperature
max. 130 °C
3.1.3 ex marking
ptB 13 ateX d103 X
ii 2G c iic t4
ii 2d c t135°c
Warning: not valid when non-ex devices added.
do not open actuator. spring loaded cover.
Fig. 1:
Ex Marking