Hold time, The pre-loaded cispr limits, The internal rf generator the click meter option – Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual

Page 9: Built-in preselector, The auto attenuator, The built-in preamplifier, Pulse limiter

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source is emitting for very short periods of
time - or when the source operating cycle is
extremely short, there is a much higher
probability to capture and measure the

another step ahead from analogue
behaviour! At each frequency step, given by
the selected filter bandwidth, the PMM 9010
really stops for the preset time, so taking a
perfect picture of the signal under analysis,
while analogue receivers may show a certain
“drift” depending from the sweep time.
With setting equal to 0, the Hold Time is the
minimum time of permanence required by
the selected IF filter for the fastest possible
measurement speed.

Hold Time

are stored in a non-volatile memory and
immediately available for tests done in
“Sweep Mode”: easy, fast and error free!

The Pre-Loaded CISPR Limits

in PMM 9010 is a very flexible RF generator
tracking with the span or settable at any
frequency in the range of 10 Hz ÷ 50 MHz:
another powerful tool for the designers that
makes the PMM 9010 an easy-to-use scalar
network analyzer for characterizing
components, filters etc.
This generator provides also the self-
calibration of the equipment, as it represents
the main frequency reference for all the
receiver operation.
To keep it calibrated, it‘s enough to send
back to Narda just the generator module
itself: a terrific advantage in terms of costs
and speed.

The Internal RF Generator

The Click Meter Option

allows the user to perform continuous
disturbance tests in a straightforward and
easy way.
The receiver takes care of everything:
evaluation of the Click Rate N; applicable
exceptions; Click measurement using Upper
Quartile Method; Full Report with all
mandatory data.
PMM 9010 fully supports the new standard
dealing with all the allowed four exceptions,
showing in real time all the events including
click details and reporting all mandatory and
optional data to make a detailed report. It
shall be noted that the handling of E-3 is the
most demanding in terms of hardware and
software, however it is also the exception
that is more beneficial for the customer, as it
allows to skip unnecessary tests. In general,
the first investigation is terminated as per
one of the required events listed in the
standard: after 40 clicks; after the standard
120 minutes; after a specific time span;
manually; paused and resumed to allow
restarting recursive EUT programs.
Moreover, PMM 9010 has the unique feature

designed to make correct measurements of
all input signals, including pulses.The quality
of the preselector - one of the very few
analogue sections in the receiver - is
essential to guarantee the best
performances and represents the most
important difference between a true EMI
Receiver, capable of the more reliable results,
and a generic Spectrum Analyzer adapted to
perform EMC measurements.

Built-in Preselector

provides maximum dynamic range without
distortion. It is controlled by an FPGA (Field
Programmable Gate Array) directly driven by
the internal DSP (Digital Signal Processor)
and provides optimum performances in
every testing condition, while protecting the
RF input (e.g.: zero dB attenuation is not
allowed in auto-attenuation mode).

The Auto Attenuator

of PMM 9010 cannot be saturated thus it
provides correct response to continuous
and pulsed signals, while in most receivers
the preamplifier is directly connected to the
RF input. Saturation might be there without

The Built-in Preamplifier

is built-in in the PMM 9010, providing an
extra protection, if required.

Pulse Limiter