Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual
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The latest design effort of Narda STS has
produced a fully digital EMC receiver up to
30 MHz. The advantages of the digital
techniques extended up to several GHz, thus
creating outstanding equipment perfectly
fitting the need of any designer and test
The new EMI/EMC receivers PMM 9010, PMM
9030 and PMM 9060 are fully compliant with
CISPR16-1-1 requirements and meet all
commercial and military standards for EMC
including the latest
They exhibit an outstanding precision and
are practically free of calibration; they are as
small as possible, lightweight and battery
operated; they are easy-to-use and easy-to-
interface with a regular PC, and they are to a
wide extent flexible and programmable,
both locally and remotely. Servicing is as
easy as to plugging a card into a computer
and can be done simply by swapping with
pre-calibrated RF modules.
These new concepts make the Narda STS
receivers cost-effective and easy to update
simply by downloading new firmware
versions to cover all the future revisions of
the relevant international standards.
Precise, accurate, fast and easy-to-use
full compliance EMI/EMC tests to
civilian and military standards
• Flexible, easy to use for any kind of measurement in stand-alone,
integrated in systems or driven by PC.
• Optical link between main and high frequency units.
• No need for a coaxial cable to connect the antenna to the receiver.
• No aging of critical receiver parts (RBW filters, detectors, mixers, local
oscillators, etc.) that cause degradation of the measurement accuracy.
• Easily and quickly serviced by swapping factory calibrated modules.
• Cost-effective.
• Internal memory for limits and correction values: antenna factors,
cable loss, probe factors etc.
• Built-in manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic test routines.
• All calculations required by the newest standards (e.g. Click, APD,
RMS-AVG, etc.) automatic and built-in.
• Battery powered.
• Extremely fast in all measurements.