High performance digital architecture, No calibrations, no adjustments, High-speed rsp and dsp – Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual
Page 8: Absolute and stable compliance to cispr, The powerful rsp (receiver signal processor)

characterized by an ultra-fast A/D converter
with the DSP controlling 3 processors for
different functions: RSP (Receiver Signal
Processor), FPGA and CPLD.
High performance
digital architecture
after the A/D converter which is inserted in
the circuit just when the signal comes out of
the input attenuator and the preselector, to
take the maximum benefit from the digital
approach. All the internal references are
derived from the system clock: the receiver
is free from any phase noise, jitter, drift, etc.
No calibrations, no adjustments
for highest precision and simultaneity. A
dedicated Receiver Signal Processor handles
all the numeric signals within the digital IF,
while the Digital Signal Processor provides
all of the calculations and signals treatment,
like simultaneous detections, demodula-
tions and graphical representation in real
High-speed RSP and DSP
of all digital RBW filters. It’s simply amazing
the perfection of these filters
mathematically created and shaped to meet
exactly the CISPR requirements.
If needed by changes in the stardards, new
markets opportunities, custom requests etc.
Narda can model new filters to upgrade the
receivers and implement the new features.
This consists just in firmware upgrade done
by the user and is a matter of seconds.
Absolute and stable
compliance to CISPR
allows the use of the FIR (Finite Impulse
Response) technique to create digital RBW
filters: the result is an impressive lifetime
stability of such filters and a shape
controlled to the perfection, due to its
mathematical modelling. The competitive
receivers featuring analogue filters are
definitely several steps behind.
The Numeric Local Oscillator generates pure
mathematical signals for the Digital IF Filters,
divided into Real and Imaginary parts. The
main advantage of the mathematic
The powerful RSP
(Receiver Signal Processor)
feature absolute stability and lifetime
calibration-free operation. The response of
such RF receiver is no longer depending
from the input signals and the detectors
always work exactly as intended. These
detectors are mathematical functions for
unsurpassed performance and precision:
they are simply the best and simultaneous
by definition. It shall be noted that all these
detectors and functions are needed in a
receiver full compliant to the latest CISPR 16-
1-1.Then the Product Committee can decide
which of these features are the most
for instance,
the latest
RMS+Avg detector and the APD functions –
as well as the Average detector - will be used
with the new digital equipment and/or
above 1 GHz. No problem for other products
still requiring the more traditional Quasi-
Peak and Average detectors: they’re all on
The Pure Mathematical QP, PK, AVG,
RMS, RMS + AVG Detectors and the
APD function
the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) function
allows to perform a full scan of the whole
A-band in only 1 second! Even when the
Ultra-fast measurements of
CISPR A-band (9 kHz ÷ 150 kHz)
approach is that the computing function do
not generate those spurious components a
conventional analog mixer would do.