Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual

Page 4

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Once more Narda STS is anticipating the
market and competition by introducing the
first Fully Digital EMC Receiver and Analyzer
that meets all the requirements of the latest
civilian and military standards (CISPR-16-1-1
& MIL-STD-461F).
Every circuit in the receiver is digital now,
with the only exception of the attenuator
and the preselector that – physically – shall
put a limit to the RF energy entering the

This architecture, carefully designed to
deliver outstanding performances in a very
small volume, is the latest development of
Narda STS R&D Labs, well known all around
the world with the former name “PMM” for
their original and effective technical
Add the usual “Easy-to-Use” Narda STS
software - always acknowledged for offering
the best equipment control with a simple
and intuitive user interface - and the picture

PMM 9010: the new fully digital receiver
that outperforms competition is here