Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual
Page 6

Until now, technology has not allowed a fully
digital receiver up to the GHz range, Narda
STS has conceived the best possible solution
designing these extensions for PMM 9010,
enabling the whole test system to go up to 3
or 6 GHz taking all the benefits from the
digital approach.
The PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are therefore
the ultra-fast 30 MHz - 3 GHz or 6 GHz
receivers extending the measurement
frequency range of the PMM 9010 up to the
field of Radiated Emissions, thanks to a
dedicated RF module. A fast and safe
connection with PMM 9010 is guaranteed by
a High Speed Digital Optical Link, providing
the most immune way to transfer data: only
the real measurement data received at the
antenna reaches the detectors!
This dedicated digital Front End perfectly
matches with the PMM 9010, to create a
compact-size, up-to-date digital receiver up
to 3 or 6 GHz.
PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are basically a
highly sophisticated auxiliary equipment,
which converts the RF input into a digital
signal sent to PMM 9010 through a Fiber
Optic Cable. The transfer rate is higher than
2.5 GB/s and a huge amount of information
is handled by the proprietary protocol.
Very limited dimensions and lightweight
construction allow the PMM 9030 and PMM
9060 to be connected directly to the
antenna, making the dream of many test
engineers come true. Benefits are really
many, as RF coaxial cables for antenna to
receiver connection may significantly affect
measurements due to intrinsic cable loss
and impedance mismatch.
Moreover, cables may pick up unwanted RF
signals along the path from the antenna to
the receiver. The PMM 9030 and PMM 9060
overcome all those error sources through
the optical link, thus providing more
accurate and reliable measurements.
In order to allow complete galvanic
separation, PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are
battery powered by the same Li-Ion plug-in
rechargeable battery used for the 9010 unit,
thus providing interchangeability and noise-
free performances for up to four hours of
continuous operation. Replacing the plug-in
battery is just a matter of seconds.
The PMM software can drive the coupled
9010-9030 or 9010-9060 to easily perform
any measurement foreseen by the
commercial and military standards, even
stand-alone or, whenever required, with the
necessary auxiliary equipment.
The APD (Amplitude Probability
Distribution) function is another example of
how well the new PMM receivers can
respond to the evolving requests of
upcoming standards.
The APD is a statistical characterization of
signals recently introduced for testing above
1 GHz, that requires scanning of selected
spans and measurements on several
frequencies using Peak detector and Max
Hold function, then sorting frequencies that
show highest disturbance levels and
comparing them with the limits for a given
PMM 9030 and PMM 9060:
PMM 9010 companion products
for testing up to 3 or 6 GHz