Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual

Page 13

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thus taking a perfect picture of the
signal under analysis, with no drift
depending from on the sweep time.
Other RBW filter standards which may
be required in future can be easily
added: Narda designers will model
them mathematically, verify their
performances and add them to
userfriendly firmware upgrades.
The huge internal memory combined
with the capability of making a FFT
(Fast Fourier Transform) analysis of the
signals allows for an ultra-fast complete
scan of the whole A-band (9 to 150 kHz)
performed in only 1 second even with
the 200 Hz filter.
Even in those cases when the source is
on for very short periods of time – or
when the source has an extremely short
cycle - it is possible to see and measure
the emissions.
A clever function - the Smart Detector -
dramatically reduces test time and
improves productivity: the receiver
starts scanning with the fast peak
detector then, when the reading is close
to a selected limit it immediately turns
to quasi-peak detector (or any other
selected one), moves some frequency
step back and measures with the new
detector until the signal returns low;
then the receiver turns back in peak
mode and continues the scan at the

highest possible speed, repeating this
process any time there’s an over limit
peak .
This “performance booster” was first
introduced in PMM’s receivers in 1990.
To maintain calibration a signal
reference is essential: a high stability
internal RF Signal Generator (60 to 90

μV in 0,1 dB steps) has been added to

the PMM 9010.
This RF generator can work in tracking
mode with the span or set at any
frequency in the range of 10 Hz to 50
MHz: in addition to being the main
reference for the receiver, it also makes
the receiver an easy-to-use scalar
network analyzer for characterizing
components, antennas, filters etc.
To always keep your receiver perfectly
calibrated, just send the generator
module back to your Narda Dealer: a
terrific advantage in terms of costs and
After recalibration, this single module is
easily reinstalled into the receiver to
restart operations immediately after.
The PMM 9030 and PMM 9060 are
innovative and different from this
stand point: although they need an
external frequency reference source for
calibration check, the complete RF
front-end only - a single, solid block
module - can be sent to Factory the

same way.
Utilizing a digital receiver
implementation, it’s easy for such a
receiver to integrate a single channel
Click Receiver with no additional
hardware required: an external option
is required only to have a full 4 channels
click evaluation.
Moreover, the huge memory of the
receiver (required for storing each
disturbance duration and interval and
for post-process) is essential to be able
to fulfill the recently modified click
specifications approved by CISPR.

Block diagram of the PMM 9010 EMI Digital Receiver