Useful functions – Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual
Page 16

Useful Functions
Custom Limits
can be easily created, saved and recalled.
Cable losses, Antenna Factors and
Absorbing Clamp Calibration Tables
can be quickly created and computed
during measurements.
“Smart Detector” function in Sweep
Values measured by the fast Peak Detector
and found exceeding the limits are
immediately measured with the other
detectors simultaneously and during the
same sweep, thus providing an impressive
time saving test.
when in Manual mode, the filter is selected
automatically according to the frequency.
POWERFUL SCAN TABLE allowing any combinations
of any measuring settings in any sequence to meet
even the most demanding applications in terms of
ALL SIX CISPR detectors!
PMM 9010/9030/9060
Emission Suite PC software
A powerful Software Utility that control the PMM 9010, PMM 9030 and
PMM 9060 receivers and enables extremely useful functions to
control measurements as well as to collect, analyze and post-process
data safely and easily as never before.
These pictures show just some examples of the most commonly
required functions, with some of them specific to PMM’s receivers.