Atec PMM-9010_9030_9060 User Manual
Page 5

of the new PMM 9010 is almost complete.
PMM 9010: the new fully digital receiver that
outperforms competition is here.
Continuing the tradition of offering
innovative technical solutions for easy and
practical measurements applications, the
PMM 9010 - a fully digital receiver in the 10
Hz to 30 MHz range - is the first cornerstone
of a system which grows together with the
all EMC conducted
measurements will be possible by simply
upgrading the PMM 9010 with specific
options, e.g. Click Meter, MIL-STD filters, and
accessories - LISNs and probes - providing a
full compliance with almost all international
standard or proprietary specifications.
Moreover, the modular construction, based
on pre-calibrated subassemblies, offers the
fastest and most convenient recalibration
and service ever!
Practically maintenance-free and exceptionally stable, the
PMM 9010 EMI Receiver is the ideal solution for reliable
measurements day after day, month after month, year after
outstanding feature
that service can be
easily done by simply
replacing plug-in
p r e - c a l i b r a t e d
s u b a s s e m b l i e s ,
represents a highly
valued advantage in
case, for example, of
damage to the RF
Indeed, even when an
excess of energy or a too high signal would burn the input
stage, the Customer can be back in operation and continue
his work in the shortest possible time, being sure that his
receiver is still perfectly calibrated.
The Narda STS Sales Network is highly qualified and will be
your consultant for every measurement problem: ask the
experts and make your job easier with PMM 9010, the
guiding star in the EMC market.
The PMM 9010 features several useful functions: as an
example, pictures above show the automatic highest peaks
finder and the intuitive way to observe the selected peak in
Analyzer mode: from measurement to debugging at users’