Atec Agilent-81150A-81160A User Manual
Page 3

• 1 µHz – 330 MHz pulse generation with variable rise/fall time
• 1 µHz – 500 MHz sine waveform output
• 14-bit, 2.5 GSa/s arbitrary waveforms
• Up to 256k samples deep arbitrary waveform memory per channel
• Pulse, sine, square, ramp, noise and arbitrary waveforms
• Noise, with selectable crest factor, and signal repetition time of 20 days
• FM, AM, PM, PWM, FSK modulation capabilities
• 1 or 2 channel, coupled and uncoupled
• Differential
◦ Amplitude:
50 Ω into 50 Ω
50 mV
to 5 V
50 Ω into open 100 mV
to 10 V
◦ Voltage window:
50 Ω into 50 Ω ± 5 V
50 Ω into open ± 10 V
• Glitch free change of timing parameters
(delay, frequency, transition time, width, duty cycle)
• Programming language compatible with Agilent 81101A, 81104A, 81105A , 81110A,
81130A and 81150A
• ISO 17025 and Z540.3 calibration
• LXI class C (rev 1.1) compliant
• Optional pattern generator:
◦ Ideal and arbitrary bit shaped pattern up to 330 Mbit/s (Option 330) or 660 Mbit/s
(Option 660)
◦ Two, three or four level signals
◦ PRBS up to 2
◦ 4 Mbit pattern memory for the 1-channel instrument and 2 Mbit per channel for the
2-channel instrument
◦ Pass through pattern for combined and physical and protocol test up to 10 Mbit/s
The 81160A Pulse Function
Arbitrary Noise Generator
at a Glance
811 A