Atec Anritsu-ME7838A User Manual
Me7838a series vector network analyzers

Technical Data Sheet & Configuration Guide
High Performance, Broadband
Network Analysis Solutions
ME7838A Series Vector Network Analyzers
Broadband VNA System
70 kHz to 110 (125) GHz
Millimeter Waveguide VNA System
50 GHz to 750 GHz (1.1 THz)
The ME7838A broadband VNA system provides single sweep
coverage from 70 kHz to 110 GHz and is operational from 40 kHz to
125 GHz. It consists of the following items:
• MS4647A VectorStar VNA, 70 kHz to 70 GHz with Option 007,
Option 070, and Option 080/081
• 3739B Broadband Millimeter-Wave Test Set and Interface Cables
• 3743A Millimeter-Wave Modules, 2 each
The ME7838A Millimeter-Wave configuration provides waveguide
output from 50 GHz to 750 GHz (1.1 THz) in waveguide bands. The
system can extend the broadband system or be configured to operate
only as a waveguide system. It consists of the following items:
• MS464xA VectorStar VNA, with Option 007 and Option 082/083
• 3739B Broadband/Millimeter-Wave Test Set and Interface Cables
• Millimeter-Wave modules, 2 each
Broadband/Millimeter-Wave System Options
• MS4640A-002, Time Domain
• MS4640A-041, Noise Figure
• MS4640A-051, External VNA Direct Access Loops
• MS4640A-061, Active Measurement Suite, with 2 Attenuators
• MS4640A-062, Active Measurement Suite, with 4 Attenuators
• SC8215 and SC7287 Kelvin Bias Tees
• 3744A-Rx, 30 to 125 GHz mm-Wave Receiver
for Noise Figure and mm-Wave Antenna Measurements
• 3744A-EE, 56 to 95 GHz WR-12 Waveguide Module
• 3744A-EW, 65 to 110 GHz WR-10 Waveguide Module
VectorStar ME7838A Broadband System
Document Outline
- 1. Definitions
- 2. Specifications for Broadband Configuration
- 2.1 ME7838A Broadband System Configuration
- 2.2 System and Receiver Dynamic Range, Noise Floor
- 2.3 Test Port Power, Receiver Compression
- 2.4 High Level Noise
- 2.5 Stability
- 2.6 Frequency Resolution, Accuracy, and Stability
- 2.7 Uncorrected (Raw) Port Characteristics
- 2.8 Corrected System Performance and Uncertainties – SOLT/SSST
- 2.9 Corrected System Performance and Uncertainties – LRL/LRM
- 2.10 Measurement Time
- 2.11 Block Diagram – ME7838A Broadband VNA System
- 2.12 SC8215 and SC7287 Kelvin Bias Tees
- 2.13 Measurement Examples
- 3. Specifications for Waveguide Band Configuration
- 3.1 ME7838A Millimeter-Wave VNA, Waveguide Bands
- 3.2 E and W Band Operation Using the 3743A, 3744A-EE, or 3744A-EW mm-Wave Module
- 3.3 Port Power, Noise Floor, Dynamic Range – 3744A-EE/3744A-EW mm-Wave Modules
- 3.4 Corrected System Performance/Uncertainties – 3744A-EE/3744A-EW mm-Wave Modules
- 3.5 ME7838A with Option 041 and 3744A-Rx mm-Wave Noise Figure Measurements
- 3.6 Block Diagram – 3744A Receiver Module
- 3.7 3744A-Rx Receiver Compression, Noise Floor
- 4. VectorStar ME7838A Waveguide Bands from 50 GHz to 750 GHz (1.1 THz)
- 4.1 Block Diagram – Millimeter-Wave VNA System
- 4.2 VectorStar ME7838A Millimeter-Wave System with VDI Modules
- 4.3 System Configuration with VDI Modules
- 4.4 VDI Module Specifications
- 4.5 VDI Module Head Configurations
- 4.6 VDI Module Options
- 4.7 ME7838A Measurement Examples Using VDI Millimeter-Wave Modules
- 4.8 VectorStar ME7838A Millimeter-Wave System with OML Modules
- 4.9 OML Millimeter-Wave Extenders Summary Specifications
- 5. Standard Capabilities for All Configurations
- 6. Mechanical and Environmental
- 7. Calibration and Correction Capabilities
- 8. Mechanical Calibration/Verification Kits
- 9. Test Port Cables
- 10. Precision Adapters, Attenuators, and Other Components
- 11. Warranty
- 12. Ordering Information