Xylem pHotoFlex/pHotoFlex Turb User Manual

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Accuracy when

going to press

The use of advanced technology and the high quality standard of our
instruments are the result of continuous development. This may result
in differences between this operating manual and your instrument. Al-
so, we cannot guarantee that there are absolutely no errors in this man-
ual. Therefore, we are sure you will understand that we cannot accept
any legal claims resulting from the data, figures or descriptions.


Method data

Analysis specifications

Operating manual

Part of the process of consequently improving our products is the
continuous further development of the range of photometric tests
supplied and the meter firmware. All current data for the pHotoFlex /

pHotoFlex Turb can be found on the Internet under



You can easily transfer new firmware to your instrument with the aid of
the AK 540/B cable and a PC. More detailed information can be found
in the appendix of the detailed operating manual on the CD-ROM



2006, WTW GmbH

Reprinting - even as excerpts - is only allowed with the explicit written
authorization of WTW GmbH, Weilheim.
Printed in Germany.