Armasight ANKI000049 AIM PRO-L Advanced Integrated Mount User Manual
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5. Find the center of impact and measure (in centimeters or inches) its verti-
cal and horizontal deviations from the center of the target.
6. Work out the values of boresight correction required to compensate for
the measured deviation of the center of impact from the center of the
target. Boresight Increment is 2.2 cm for 100m fire range (4/5 of inch for
100 yards).
7. Unscrew the protective caps from the LOCK screw and boresight adjust-
ment screws.
8. Loosen the AIM-PRO LOCK screw with a screwdriver.
9. Assemble the Adjustment Disk. Insert the screwdriver into the center of
the disk (B) as shown in Figure 3-13. Secure the fixing screw to the bottom
side of the disk.
10. Install the screwdriver of the Adjustment Disk into the adjustment screw
of the AIM-PRO.
11. Adjust the boresight by rotating the adjustment screw with the Adjust-
ment Disk. One small division of scale of the Adjustment Disk corre-
sponds to boresight increments of 2.2cm for 100m fire range (4/5 of inch
for 100 yards).
12. After you have completed the boresight adjustment procedure, tighten
the LOCK screw and replace the protective caps.
13. To check the boresight, fire a series of shots.
C. Boresight Adjustment in the Nighttime with NVM
To adjust the AIM-PRO boresight under nighttime conditions with NVM, do
the following:
1. Mount the AIM-PRO to a weapon.