GE Industrial Solutions HE300GEN251 User Manual

Page 37

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PAGE 38 23 SEP 1999 CH.6: AV-300i

g. High & Low Priority Bit Parameters:

Bit parameters are divided into the following 4 categories:

High Priority Directed Control Bits, bits sent from the PLC to the AV-300i
High Priority Global Bits, bits sent from the AV-300i to the PLC,
Low Priority Directed Control Bits, bits sent from the PLC to the AV-300I and
Low Priority Global Bits, bits sent from the AV-300i to the PLC.

Up to 16 individual bit parameters can be assigned to each of these four categories. For each category
that any Bit Parameters are assigned, there must be a place holder assigned in the corresponding word
configuration (Directed Control Data Configuration and/or Global Data Configuration). This place holder is
used to indicate were in the Genius data stream the bit data is to be placed. The GE Toolbox
configuration tool calls these place holders “Discrete Bit Word” and can be assigned either High or Low
Priority. Note that a High Priority Discrete Bit Word requires one of the 6 available High Priority Word
positions leaving only 5 available for other Word Parameter assignments. Most applications will require
both High Priority Directed Control Bits and High Priority Global Bits to be used.