GE Industrial Solutions HE300GEN251 User Manual
Page 36

CH. 6: AV-300i 23 SEP 1999 PAGE 37
Drive Parameter Descriptions
The parameters and parameter numbers associated with the AV-300 and DV-300 adjustable speed
drives are listed as “Pick Lists” in the software configuration tool, and can be accessed with the hand held
monitor attached to the drive. For further information on these parameters, consult the AV-300i
instruction manuals.
Due to revisions to the parameters, the parameter information is not contained in this manual. The
information can be obtained from the AV-300i Instructions Manual.
The following sections explain how the AV-300 and DV-300 Manual Parameter Table relates to the
Software Configuration Tool Pick Lists.
a. Directed Control Data:
This is a Genius Bus term. Directed Control Data refers to data that is automatically transferred from the
PLC to the AV-300i. The AV-300I can receive up to 16 data words in this manner.
b. Global Data:
This is a Genius Bus term. Global Data refers to data that is automatically transferred from the AV-300i to
the PLC. The AV-300I can transmit up to 32 data words this manner.
c. Word Parameters:
These are parameters whose data values are represented by a 16 bit numbers.
d. Bit Parameters:
These are parameters whose data values are represented by 1 bit. The only values allowed for bit
parameters are zero (0 or FALSE) or one (1 or TRUE).
e. High Priority Data:
The AV-300i provides for up to 12 parameters to be declared as High Priority, 6 Directed Control Data
words and 6 High Priority Global Data words. Only AV-300i parameters designated as High Priority
parameters can be assigned to the high priority channel. For a complete list of the high priority
parameters, refer to the AV-300i instruction parameter list. All 12 of these parameters are passed
between the HE300GEN250 and the AV-300I every 2 milliseconds. To compute a typical update time the
Genius bus scan time and the ladder code scan time must be added to the 2 milliseconds.
f. Low Priority Data:
All parameters that are not declared as High Priority must use the Low Priority Channel. Parameters
passed on the Low Priority Channel are updated very slowly compared the High Priority data. Each of
these parameters requires a minimum of 102 milliseconds to be passed between the HE300GEN250 and
the AV-300i. To compute the best case update time, the Genius bus scan time and the ladder code scan
time must be added to 102 milliseconds times the number of Low Priority parameters that are configured.