GE Industrial Solutions HE300GEN251 User Manual
Page 12

CH. 3: GEN250/251 COMM. 23 SEP 1999 PAGE 13
GEN250/251 Operation
Automatic Data Transfer is a type of Genius communication that can be used between the Genius Bus
Controller (GBC) and the SBI.
The automatic data transfer type of communication uses broadcast (global) data to transfer information
from the GEN250/251to the GBC, and directed control data to transfer information from the GBC to the
SBI. With this data type, the GBC is always communicating with the SBI.
Automatic Data Transfer
To communicate with Genius using Automatic Data Transfer, all of the required parameter information
previously discussed in the Drive Overview section (the global data to transfer information from the SBI,
and Directed Control Data to transfer data from the GBC to the SBI) must be configured and loaded into
the SBI.
The GEN250/251 configuration is accomplished using the GE ToolBox software configuration tool. The
configuration portion consists of the Genius bus configuration parameters and two memory maps, the
global data memory map, and the directed control data memory map. The memory maps associate
parameter names (or parameter numbers) and other parameter information with corresponding Genius
data words. The GE ToolBox configuration tool uses “pick lists” for choosing parameters. The pick lists
change depending on which access method is chosen. This eliminates the need to manually determine
all of the information described in the Drive Overview section.
The global data memory map contains a parameter name (or parameter number) and other parameter
information for each global data word from the drive to the GBC. The directed control data memory map
contains a parameter name (or parameter number) and other parameter information for each directed
control word from the GBC to the drive. Once the memory maps are created using GE ToolBox, they are
downloaded into the GEN250/251 non-volatile memory.
The software configuration tool is setup in such a manner so that when the user chooses a parameter
from the “picklist”, that parameter is set at that global data word or directed data word. When the
GEN250/251scans a configuration, it separates the high priority words and the low priority words and
stores them in two different arrays.
GEN250/251 to/from GBC Communication using Global Data
After the configuration is downloaded from the configuration tool to the SBI, the GEN250/251 then
configures the drive. The drive must be made aware of all of the high priority parameters (both Word and
Bit) that need to be passed between itself and the GEN250/251.
High priority parameters are passed automatically between the drive and the GEN250/251 every 2