GE Industrial Solutions HE300GEN251 User Manual
Page 19

PAGE 20 23 SEP 1999 CH.3: GEN250/251 COMM.
Figure 3.9 indicates the types of data that must be configured in a Genius Network. The data types
include Directed Data and Global Data. To see the items that must be configured for each data type,
place the cursor in the Expand box located in front Directed Data and click. Then, do the same thing for
Global Data.
In this configuration example, the user followed the steps in Section 1.3 and predetermined that
he/she is going to configure the Directed Data and select parameters for specific Words and Bits.
The parameter for Word0 is “Discrete Bit Word,” and the parameter for Word1 is “Speed ref 1.” The
user is going to select the words to be high priority. The user must configure the bits of the
Discrete Bit Word as well. Bit0 is “Enable Drive,” and the parameter for Bit1 is going to be
“Start/Stop.” To configure Global Data, the user employs the same procedures to select desired
parameters and priorities.
NOTE: It is highly recommended that the user refer to the GE Control Toolbox Help File at this time to
obtain highly useful information regarding the Genius Network Configuration. Select Help, click on
Contents, click Index tab, and type Genius Configuration.
The following screen appears.
Figure 3.10
Directed Data and Global Data have three sub-items that can be configured.
Be sure to read the suggestions in Section 1.3. It is important to know in advance which drive
parameters and priorities are going to be selected in the next steps of the configuration procedures.
Place the cursor into the Expand box located in front of Directed Control Data Configuration and click.
Note: The following procedures apply to Global Data Configuration as well. The parameters used
differ however.