QTECH QSW-2800 Инструкция по настройке User Manual

Page 55

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+7(495) 797-3311
Москва, Новозаводская ул., 18, стр. 1


Configure private IP address pool for member switches of the cluster

Create or delete cluster

Add or remove a member switch

Configure attributes of the cluster in the commander switch

Enable or disable automatically adding cluster members

Set automatically added members to manually added ones

Set or modify the time interval of keep-alive messages on switches in the cluster.

Set or modify the max number of lost keep-alive messages that can be tolerated

Clear the list of candidate switches maintained by the switch

Configure attributes of the cluster in the candidate switch

Set the time interval of keep-alive messages of the cluster

Set the max number of lost keep-alive messages that can be tolerated in the cluster

Remote cluster network management

Remote configuration management

Remotely upgrade member switch

Reboot member switch

Manage cluster network with web

Enable http

Manage cluster network with snmp

Enable snmp server

1. Enable or disable cluster

2. Create a cluster



Global Mode

cluster run [key <WORD>] [vid <VID>]

no cluster run

Enable or disable cluster function in the switch.



Global Mode

cluster ip-pool

no cluster ip-pool

Configure the private IP address pool for

cluster member devices.

cluster commander [<cluster_name>]

no cluster commander

Create or delete a cluster.

cluster member {nodes-sn |

mac-address > [id

id> ] | auto-to-user}

no cluster member {id |

Add or remove a member switch.