Dhcp, Erver, Onfiguration – QTECH QSW-2800 Инструкция по настройке User Manual

Page 204: 2 dhcp server configuration

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that the DHCP packets exchange can be completed between the DHCP client and server.

Switch can act as both a DHCP server and a DHCP relay. DHCP server supports not only

dynamic IP address assignment, but also manual IP address binding (i.e. specify a specific IP

address to a specified MAC address or specified device ID over a long period. The differences

and relations between dynamic IP address allocation and manual IP address binding are: 1) IP

address obtained dynamically can be different every time; manually bound IP address will be

the same all the time. 2) The lease period of IP address obtained dynamically is the same as

the lease period of the address pool, and is limited; the lease of manually bound IP address is

theoretically endless. 3) Dynamically allocated address cannot be bound manually. 4) Dynamic

DHCP address pool can inherit the network configuration parameters of the dynamic DHCP

address pool of the related segment.

27.2 DHCP Server Configuration

DHCP Sever Configuration Task List:

Enable/Disable DHCP service

Configure DHCP Address pool

Create/Delete DHCP Address pool

Configure DHCP address pool parameters

Configure manual DHCP address pool parameters

Enable logging for address conflicts

1. Enable/Disable DHCP service



Global Mode

service dhcp

no service dhcp

Enable DHCP server. The no command

disables DHCP server.

Port Mode

ip dhcp disbale

no ip dhcp disable

The port disables DHCP services, the no

command enables DHCP services.

2. Configure DHCP Address pool

(1) Create/Delete DHCP Address pool



Global Mode

ip dhcp pool <name>

no ip dhcp pool <name>

Configure DHCP Address pool. The no

operation cancels the DHCP Address pool.