Mrpp, Onfiguration, 2 mrpp configuration task list – QTECH QSW-2800 Инструкция по настройке User Manual

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secondary port, and sends its neighbor LINK-UP-Flush-FDB packet.

After MRPP ring port refresh UP on transfer node, the primary node maybe find ring restore

after a while. For the normal data VLAN, the network maybe forms a temporary ring and

creates broadcast storm. To avoid temporary ring, transfer node finds it to connect to ring

network port to refresh UP, immediately block temporarily (only permit control VLAN packet

pass), after only receiving LINK-UP-FLUSH-FDB packet from primary node, and releases the

port block state.

51.2 MRPP Configuration Task List

1) Globally enable MRPP

2) Configure MRPP ring

3) Configure the query time of MRPP

4) Configure the compatible mode

5) Display and debug MRPP relevant information

1) Globally enable MRPP



Global Mode

mrpp enable

no mrpp enable

Globally enable and disable MRPP.

2) Configure MRPP ring



Global Mode

mrpp ring <ring-id>

no mrpp ring

Create MRPP ring. The “no” command

deletes MRPP ring and its configuration.

MRPP ring mode

control-vlan <vid>

no control-vlan

Configure control VLAN ID,

format “no”

deletes configured control VLAN ID.

node-mode {master | transit}

Configure node type of MRPP ring (primary

node or secondary node).

hello-timer < timer>

no hello-timer

Configure Hello packet timer sending from

primary node of MRPP ring,

format “no”

restores default timer value.

fail-timer <timer>

no fail-timer



packet overtime


sending from primary node of MRPP ring,
format “no” restores default timer value.