Ntermediate, Gent, Onfiguration – QTECH QSW-2800 Инструкция по настройке User Manual

Page 351: 2 pppoe intermediate agent configuration task list

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PPPoE IA - vendor tag (4 bytes in each row)

Add TLV tag as 0x0105 for PPPoE IA, TAG_LENGTH is length field of vendor tag;
0x00000DE9 is “ADSL Forum” IANA entry of the fixed 4 bytes; 0x01 is type field of Agent

Circuit ID, length is length field and Agent Circuit ID value field; 0x02 is type field of Agent

Remot ID, length is length field and Agent Remote ID value field.

PPPoE IA supplies a default circuit ID value, the default circuit ID (The figure in the following)

includes 5 fields, ANI (Access Node Identifier) can be configured by user, its length is less than

47 bytes. If there is no ANI configured, MAC is accessed by default, occupy 6 bytes and use
space symbol to compart, “eth” occupies 3 bytes and uses space symbol to compart, “Slot ID”
occupies 2 bytes, use “/” to compart and occupy 1 byte, “Port Index” occupies 3 bytes, use “:”
to compart and occupy 1 byte, “Vlan ID” occupies 4 bytes, all fields use ASCII, user can

configure ciucuit ID for each port according to requirement.


(n byte)


( 1byte)


(3 byte)


(1 byte)

Slot ID

(2 byte)



Port Index

(3 byte)


(1 byte)

Vlan ID

(4 byte)

Fig 11-3 Agent Circuit ID value

MAC of the access switch is the default remote ID value of PPPoE IA. remote ID value can be

configured by user flexibly, the length is less than 63 bytes. Trust Port of PPPoE Intermediate Agent

Discovery stage sends five kinds of packets, PADI and PADR packets sent by client to server,

PADO and PADS packets sent by server to client, PADT packet can be sent by server or client.

In PPPoE IA, for security and reduce traffic, set a port connected server as trust port, set ports

connected client as untrust port, trust port can receive all packets, untrust port can receive only

PADI, PADR and PADT packets which are sent to server. To ensure client operation is correct,

it must set the port connected server as trust port, each access device has a trust port at least.

PPPoE IA vendor tag can not exist in PPPoE packets sent by server to client, so we can strip

and forward these vendor tags if they exist in PPPoE packets. Strip function must be

configured on trust port, enabling strip function is not take effect on untrust port.

47.2 PPPoE Intermediate Agent

Configuration Task List

1. Enable global PPPoE Intermediate Agent

2. Enable port PPPoE Intermediate Agent



Global Mode

pppoe intermediate-agent

Enabel global PPPoE Intermediate Agent