Powersolve SM3300 Interfaces User Manual

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Nov.2012, Preliminary version


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Serial interface (multi-protocol)


Typical Applications

• RS232 Programming

• USB Programming

• Balanced RS422 Programming

• Balanced RS485 Bi-directional Programming

Com mu ni ca tion speeds (bps)

2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200

In su la tion
prog. con nec tors - in ter nal cir cuits
prog. con nec tors - earth

1000 VDC Re in forced iso la tion acc. EN60950-1 / EN61010-1

max. 60VDC


EN 60950 / EN 61010

Op er at ing Tem per a ture

− 20 to + 50 °C

Hu mid ity

max. 95% RH, non con dens ing, up to 40 °C
max. 75% RH, non con dens ing, up to 50 °C

Stor age tem per a ture

− 40 to + 85 °C

Mount ing

Pluggable, SM3300 in ter face slots 1, 2, 3 and 4.

See para graph 'Hard ware In stal la tion' in this man ual.

Max i mum 4 per unit.

Pro gram ming con nec tor

RS422 & RS485 wires via push wire or so-called push in con nec tor (con tra header sup plied)

RS232 via 9 pole D-con nec tor (fe male),

USB socket type B.