TC Electronic UpCon User Manual

Page 43

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The UpCon algorithm

English Manual 39

sets the conditions for engaging or disengaging

The 24 bit, 20 bit and 16 bit settings enable de-
tection based on the presence of dither.

The -60, -50, -40, -30, and -20 dB settings en-
able detection based on audio level.

When Main Only mode is selected, the automa-
tion system measures the Center, L and R Sur-
round inputs. For instance, if Detect is set at
“16 bit”, UpCon reads dither on the C, LSr and
RSr inputs. If dither is available on any of them,
UpCon assumes that a 5.1 signal is available,
and cross-fades into 5.1 bypass.

Note that this automation mode gives priority to
a 5.1 signal, and that outputs are never muted.
When no 5.1 signal is present, upconversion is

When the Aux Priority mode is selected, the au-
tomation system measures the L and R Aux in-
puts. For instance, if Detect is set at “-60  dB”,
UpCon reads the audio signal on the Aux inputs.
If audio is available on any of them, UpCon as-
sumes that a 5.1 signal is not available, and
cross-fades into upconversion based on the Aux

Note that this automation mode gives priority to
the Aux input, though the 5.1 inputs can be used
simultaneously with the Aux inputs to add to the
upconversion. When no signal is present on the
Aux inputs, upconversion is bypassed.

Dissolve parameter
Use the Dissolve parameter to set the crossfade
time between 5.1 and upconversion. The green
UpCon indicator reads out the upconversion sta-
tus before the Dissolve time is applied.

! The outputs of UpCon are never muted. Dis-

solve only sets the duration of the crossfade.