Upcon algorithm – level page – TC Electronic UpCon User Manual

Page 40

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The UpCon algorithm

36 UpCon

Compliance parameter
Use the Compliance parameter to specify the
norm that the upconverted signal should com-
ply to. Available settings are “Off”, “A/85 Norm”,
“R128 Norm” and “TR-B32 norm”

Main page – Mixdown section

Gain Center parameter
When you have set the Format Convert parame-
ter on UpCon’s Main page to Downmix, the Gain
Center parameter can be used to apply a static
gain to the Center channel before delay and true-
peak limiting.

If the processed input signal is already in stereo,
this parameter has no effect.

The default for the Gain Center parameter is
-3 dB, which corresponds to standard downmix
in AC3 decoders. Because the algorithm has a
high internal headroom, there is no overload risk
if the Gain Center parameter is set to 0  dB (or
even positive gain), thereby putting emphasis to
center channel content such as dialog.

Gain Surround parameter
The Gain Surround parameter can be used to
apply a static gain to the surround channels be-
fore delay and true-peak limiting.

If the processed input signal is already in stereo,
this parameter has no effect.

The default is -6 dB, which corresponds to stan-
dard downmix in AC3 decoders. Because the
algorithm has a high internal headroom, there is
no risk of overload if the parameter is set to 0 dB
(or even positive gain), thereby putting emphasis
to surround channel content such as audience
and room sound.

UpCon algorithm – Level page

UpCon algorithm – Level page

Level page – Mute and Solo section

Select Solo / Select Mute button
Click this button to switch between the two
modes (Solo and Mute) for the other buttons in
this section.

Solo/Mute (L / C / R / LS / LFE / RS) buttons
Click buttons to mute or solo individual channels
when upconversion has been activated.

! These buttons are not intended for use during

normal operation – they should only be used
during setup phase when the algorithm’s set-
tings are tuned.

Level page – Level section

Left Front / Center / Right Front
(Front Channel Gain parameters)
Use the Left Front, Center and Right Front pa-
rameters to adjust the levels of these channels
when upconversion is active.

After tuning other upconversion parameters, ad-
just these parameters so that loudness before
and after upconversion is roughly the same.

Left Surround / Right Surround
(Surround Channel Gain parameters)
Use the Left Surround and Right Surround pa-
rameters to adjust the levels of these channels
when upconversion is active.

After tuning other upconversion parameters, ad-
just these parameters so that loudness before
and after upconversion is roughly the same.