Over boost shutdown, Scale, Boost setup (bg1 and bg2) – Turbosmart BOOST CONTROLLERS – ELECTRONIC - e-Boost STREET 40psi – Complete Manual User Manual

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In order to successfully program your E-Boost Street you MUST carefully follow this section.

Turbosmart recommends that this function is used in conjunction with another form of Over-boost protection such as

fuel/ignition cut or over-boost valve. The OBS will not stop an over-boost scenario if there is a mechanical failure on the car

that inhibits the E-Boost Street from controlling the wastegate or if electromagnetic interference due to incorrect wiring

causes electrical interference to the E-Boost Street.

If the OBS is triggered the E-Boost Street will reduce the boost pressure to half of that set in the OBS parameter. Once this safe
pressure is achieved the E-Boost Street will return to normal operation. OBS must be set to the maximum safe level your engine can
handle and your set points must be below the OBS setting. When the OBS is triggered OBS will flash on the display to indicate that your
boost pressure has reached the over boost shut down value. OBS will flash on the screen when triggered in live mode and when a set
point is being edited. Please note, OBS will not work in setup mode.

The OBS is factory set to 7 PSI (0.48 Bar or 48 KPa), so you must enter a figure in order for the E-Boost Street to produce more than
the standard boost pressure. The purpose of this feature is to protect your engine against accidentally entering a boost set point value
that is too high, preventing a dangerously high boost pressure. Extreme care should be taken when setting this parameter. Turbosmart
recommends that you seek advice from an appropriately qualified technician with regard to the OBS setting.


The E-Boost Street readout can be configured in either Bar, PSI or KPa, the default setting is in psi. This allows you to tailor the readout
to suit your own preference. Note that when the PSI scale is selected and the E-Boost Street is under vacuum conditions the display will
read in inches of Mercury (inHg), not negative PSI.

BOOST SETUP (bG1 and bG2)

The E-Boost Street has the ability to control two levels of boost (BG1/BG2). The parameters that can be adjusted in each boost group
are set point (SP1/SP2), gate pressure (GP1/GP2) and sensitivity (SN1/SN2). Set up the boost groups in the following order: