Bacnet programming information (cont.) – Veris Industries E50H5A Install User Manual
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Installation Guide
Power Monitoring
E50H2A, E50H5A
Standard Object Types Supported: No dynamic Creation or Deletion supported; no proprietary properties or object types
1. Device Object:
Optional Properties Supported: Max_Master, Max_Info_Frames, Description, Location, Local_Time, Local_Date
Writable Properties: Object_Identifier, Object_Name, Max_Master, Location
Property Range Restrictions: Object_Identifier – May only write values from 1 to 4,193,999; Location – (limited to 64
characters); Max_Master – May only write values from 1 to 127
2. Analog_Input Objects:
Optional Properties Supported: Description, Reliability
No Writable Properties.
3. Analog_Value Objects:
Optional Properties Supported: Description, Reliability
Writable Properties: Only the Present_Value is writable.
Property Range Restrictions:
AV1: May only write 30078, 21211, 21212 and 16498.
AV2: May only write 10, 11, 12, 31 and 40.
AV3: May only write values from 5 to 32000.
AV4: May only write values 1 and 3.
AV5: May only write values from 0.01 to 320.0
AV6: May only write values such that AV6/AV5 is from 82 to 660 (absolute range is 82-32000). To ensure AV6 accepts/rejects
the proper values, set AV5 first.
AV7: May only write values 0 and 1.
AV8: May only write values from 1 to 99.
AV9: May only write values from 1 to 99.
AV10: May only write values from 1 to 6.
AV11: May only write the value 0 or a value from 1000 to 3276700 in multiples of 100.
The Record_Count of the Trend_Logs (TL1 to TL3) is reset when this object is written (E50H5 only).
4. Binary_Input Objects:
Optional Properties Supported: Description, Reliability
No Writable Properties
5. Trend_Log Objects (E50H5A only):
Optional Properties Supported: Description,
Writable Properties: Log_Enable, Start_Time, Stop_Time, Log_DeviceObjectProperty, Log_Interval, Stop_When_Full,
Property Range Restrictions:
Log_DeviceObjectProperty: May only be set to the Present_Value of local objects AI1 through AI75 (only the Present_
Value of objects AI1 through AI75 may be logged).
Log_Interval: May only write the value 0 or values from 1000 to 3276700 in multiples of 100.
Data Link Layer Options: MS/TP master (Clause 9), baud rate(s): 9600, 19200, 38400, 76800, 115200
Device Address Binding: Static device binding is not supported. (No client functionality is included).
Networking Options: None
Character Sets Supported: ANSI X3.4