Revisions (cont’d), Revisions, Cont’d) – Spicer Drive Axles Application Guidelines User Manual
Page 112

AXAG-0200 June 2009 112
47) 50,000 lb. Housing Structural Ratings (page 64)
Added ‘Spindle Type’ and ‘R’ to the Housing Dimensions chart
Changed ‘72 in. Track (Standard)’ to ‘73 in. Track (Standard)’ in the Gross Axle Ratings Based on Site Travel
Conditions Only (lb.) chart
48) 52,000 lb. Housing Structural Ratings (page 65)
Added ‘Spindle Type’ and ‘R’ to the Housing Dimensions chart
Removed ‘85 in. Track Width’ and ‘45,000’ from the Gross Axle Ratings Based on the Use of Wide Track
Housings (lb.) chart
Changed ‘72 in.’ to ‘73 in’ in Note 1
Changed Note 3 ‘The only wide track housing option for the D52-190P and D52-590P is 78 in.’ to ‘The only
wide track housing options for the D52-190P and D53-590P are 78 in. and 80 in.’
49) 60,000 lb. Housing Structural Ratings (page 66)
Added ‘Spindle Type’ and ‘W’ to the Housing Dimensions (Standard Width) chart
Added Gross Axle Rating Based on the Use of Wide Track Housings (lb.) chart
Added Note 2
Renumbered Notes and all associated callouts
Changed ‘72 in. Track (Standard)’ to ‘74 in. Track (Standard)’ in the Gross Axle Ratings Based on Site Travel
Conditions Only (lb.) chart
50) 70,000 lb. Housing Structural Ratings (page 67)
Added ‘Spindle Type’ and ‘W’ to the Housing Dimensions (Standard Width) chart
Changed ‘74 in.’ to ‘72 in’ in Note 1
51) Tridem Structural Ratings (page 68)
Added ‘Spindle Type’ and ‘R’ to the Housing Dimensions chart
Added ‘Notes’ to the Housing Dimensions chart
Added Drive Axle Model T60-174 to the Housing Dimensions chart
Added 5.24 x 4.61 x .50 Housing Box Section (in.) to the Gross Axle Ratings Based on the Use of Wide Track
Added 5.24 x 4.61 x .50 Housing Box Section (in.) to the Gross Axle Ratings Based on the Use Outset Single
Wheels (lb.) chart
Added 5.24 x 4.61 x .50 Housing Box Section (in.) to the Gross Axle Ratings Based on Site Conditions Only
(lb.) chart
Change Note 2 ‘Maximum allowable gross axle weight ratings vary with ratio. Refer to the guideline section for
the specific vocation for additional information regarding axle weight restrictions based on ratio.’ to ‘Maximum
allowable gross axle weight ratings vary with ratio. See charts on next page for GAWR. Refer to the specific
vocation guideline section for additional information regarding maximum gross weight.
Added Note 5
Added ‘5’ to the Housing Dimensions chart for the T60-174 Drive Axle Model
Changed ‘72 in. Track (Standard)’ to ‘73 in. Track (Standard)’ in the Gross Axle Ratings Based on Site Travel
Conditions Only (lb.) chart
52) Added page 69 - Tridem Structural Ratings (cont’d)
53) Renumbered pages 70 thru 105
54) Added pages 107 thru 112 - Revisions