Xml default parameters, Xml backup output parameters, Xml backup filename format string – EVS Xfile Version 2.02 - February 2009 User Manual User Manual

Page 47: Xml grab filename format string

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Issue 2.02 D

XFile Version 2.02 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – February 2009


XML Default Parameters

It can occur that some XML parameters are not defined by the source
application. In this case, XML Default Parameters mentioned in the XML Tab
are taken into account for the missing XML parameters.

XML Backup Output Parameters

The File Format drop-down list allows the user to select the default file

When the Generate EVS XML Metadata check-box is selected, an XML file
with the metadata is generated. This file is created at the same time as the

backup file for all media file formats. In this format, the metadata is included
in the media file itself.

XML Backup Filename Format String

This default filename is user-defined and can be modified by typing a
generic term and/or by adding one or many available items (See screenshot
below). See also section ‘How to Modify the Default Filename Format
, on page 38.

The user can reset the default filename by clicking the RESET button.

XML Grab Filename Format String

This default filename is user-defined and can be modified by typing a
generic term and/or by adding one or many available items (See screenshot

below). See also section ‘How to Modify the Default Filename Format
, on page 38.

The user can reset the default filename by clicking the RESET button.