How to modify the default filename format string, Parameter for publish, Publish clips with original umid – EVS Xfile Version 2.02 - February 2009 User Manual User Manual

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Issue 2.02 D

XFile Version 2.02 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – February 2009


How to Modify the Default Filename Format String

To modify this default format string, proceed as follows:

1. Select the format for which the filename string should be modified: EVS

MXF, IMX OP1a, Quick Time or AVID via Transfer Manager.

2. In the Filename field, delete the part of the string you do not want to

keep in the filename, if any.

3. To add a generic text (i.e.: WC2006_Match03…) in the Filename string,

simply type the text in the field.

4. To add an information type specified in the Available Items drop-down

list, select the item in the drop-down list:

5. Click the APPEND button to add the selected item at the end of the

Filename string.

6. Reposition the available item as desired with the cut (CTRL-C) and

paste (CTRL-V) commands.

7. Repeat step 4 to 6 for any new information type you want to add in the

Filename string.

Parameter for Publish

Publish Clips with Original UmID

Enables to preserve the clips UmID in Publish mode.