English – ASRock Z77E-ITX User Manual
Page 198

ASRock Z77E-ITX Motherboard
Installing OS on a HDD Larger Than 2TB in RAID Mode
This motherboard adopts UEFI BIOS that allows Windows
OS to be installed on a
large size HDD (>2TB). Please follow the procedures below to install the operating
1. Please make sure to use Windows
7 64-bit (with SP1 or above).
2. Copy Intel
RAID drivers into a USB fl ash disk. You can download the driver from
ASRock's website and unzip the fi le into a USB fl ash disk OR copy the fi le from
ASRock motherboard support CD. (please copy the fi les under following directory:
32 bit: ..\i386\Win7_Vista_Intel_v11.0.0.1032
64-bit: ..\AMD64\Win7-64_Vista64_Intel_v11.0.0.1032
3. Create RAID array for you system. Please refer to "Intel RAID Installation Guide"
fi le for details.
4. Install Windows
7 64-bit:
A. Insert your Windows
7 64-bit installation disc to the optical drive.
B. Press
“UEFI:xxx“ to boot.
C. Start Windows
Installation. When you see “Where do you want to install
Windows?” page, please click “Load Driver”.
D. Plug the USB fl ash disk into your USB port; select “Browse” to fi nd the RAID
driver. Then choose the directory (xx\AMD64\) you have copied in the fi rst