Cbq configuration tasks, 2 cbq configuration tasks, 1 define a class and enter the class view – 3Com 10014303 User Manual

Page 4: 2 configure matching rules of a class

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policing upon congestion. If no congestion occurs, the priority class is permitted to

use bandwidth exceeding the assigned value. In case of congestion, packets

exceeding the assigned bandwidth of the priority class will be discarded. Burst size is

also configurable under LLQ.

When the system matches packets with rules, it matches priority classes before other

classes. If there are multiple priority classes, they are matched one by one according

to configuration sequence. The same procedure is used to match packets and rules in

other classes. If there are multiple rules in a class, they are also matched one by one

according to the configuration sequence.

1.2 CBQ Configuration Tasks

CBQ (Class Based Queuing) configuration includes:

Define a class and enter the class view

Configure matching rules of a class

Define the policy and enter the policy view

Configure class in policy and enter policy-class view

Configure features of a class

Apply a policy to an interface

1.2.1 Define a Class and Enter the Class View

Defines a class and enters class view.

Perform the following configurations in the system view.

Table 1-1 Define a class and enter the class view



Define a Class and Enter the Class

qos class [ logic-and | logic-or ] class-name

Delete a class and enter class view

undo qos class [ logic-and | logic-or ] class-name

By default, a class named default-class is defined in the system. The class name

defined by the user “class-name” cannot be default-class.

By default, the defined class is logic-and and the interrelationship between matching

rules in the class view is logical AND.

1.2.2 Configure Matching Rules of a Class


Define the rule for matching all packets

Perform the following configurations in class view.

3Com Router Configuration Guide Addendum for V1.20