Schedule screen – York R123 User Manual
Page 64

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
The schedule screen contains more pro gram ma ble val ues
than a normal display screen. As such, each pro gram -
ma ble value is not linked to a speciÞ c but ton. In stead the
Select key is used to enable the cur sor ar rows which
are used to highlight the day and the start or stop time
the user wishes to modify. At this point the user may
press the ‘!’ (ENTER) key to pro gram the Start / Stop
times for that day.
In order for the Start / Stop combination to be utilized,
each Start time must have a cor re spond ing Stop time
which occurs later in the day. The presently pro grammed
schedule for a given day can be cancelled by setting
both the Start time and Stop time to 12:00AM. If the
Start time equals the Stop time (with any time other
than 12:00AM), the chiller is OFF for that day. If the
user desires the chiller to operate continuously through
several days, the Stop time of Day 1 can be set to 11:
59 PM and the Start time of Day 2 can be set to 12:00
AM. The chiller will not stop but continue to operate
until the stop of Day 2.
The user has the ability to deÞ ne a standard set of Start /
Stop times which are utilized every week. The user may
then specify exception Start / Stop combinations for any
day of the week up to 6 weeks in advance. At the end
of each week the schedule for the next week is created
by com bin ing the standard week deÞ nition and the next
de Þ ned exception week. The schedule is then updated
as each of the exception weeks “shifts down”, leaving a
new, blank exception week in the 6
week slot.
Standard Week Start/Stop Times
Access Level Re quired: OPERATOR
For each day of the week, the user may spec i fy a time
for the chiller to start and a time for the chiller to stop.
The times speciÞ ed in this entry week will be used as
the default for every week of chiller operation.
Exception Start/Stop Times
Access Level Re quired: OPERATOR
For each day of the week, the user may specify a time
for the chiller to start and a time for the chiller to stop.
These Start / Stop combinations may be scheduled up to
Þ ve (5) weeks in advance and also for the present week.
As each week goes by, the new schedule will be created
for the present week using the Exception spec i Þ ca tion
in com bi na tion with the Standard week deÞ ni tion, as
de scribed above.
Schedule (Enabled / Disabled)
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
Allows the user to enable or disable the mon i tor ing func-
FIG. 27
OptiView Control Center