York R123 User Manual

Page 25

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FORM 160.55-O1 (604)



to 60. During this period, purge exhausts are counted
and the Exhaust Count displayed is that which has oc-
curred in the last number of minutes displayed in the
Exhaust Window. After the Exhaust Window reaches
60, the purge exhausts that occurred in the oldest min-
ute are discarded from the Exhaust Count and exhausts
from the most recent minute are shifted in, providing a
roll ing count of purge exhausts that occurred in the last
60 minutes. It remains at 60 until the chiller is restarted,
whereupon it is reset to 0.

Bypass Time Left
Replaces “Exhaust Window” label during the Þ rst 60
minutes of chiller run. Counts down the 60 minute purge
count bypass.


High Effi ciency Purge System (Enabled/Disabled)
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Selects the appropriate control and purge exhaust
thresh olds for the installed purge system. High EfÞ -
ciency (pump assisted) purge systems exhaust at >90.0

PSIA. Non pump-assisted purge systems exhaust at
>34.7 PSIA.

Maximum Purges/Hour
Access Level Required: OP ER A TOR/SERVICE
Allows the user to deÞ ne the number of purge air ex-
hausts permitted before an Excess Purge Warning is dis-
played. With OPERATOR access lev el, the value can be
pro grammed over a range of 10 to 30 Purges/Hour. Ser-
vice Technicians, in SERVICE ac cess level can pro gram
this setpoint over a greater range. Service Tech ni cians
refer to YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1.


Access Level Required: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.

Access Level Required: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the Condenser Screen.


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