York R123 User Manual
Page 61

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
Set Date
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
Allows the user to specify the present date. This value is criti-
cal to logging system shutdowns accurately and for uti liz ing
the scheduling ca pa bil i ties. When prompt ed to en ter a date
value, the user must enter the day, month and four-digit year
(using leading zeroes as necessary). If with in range, the value
will be accepted. If out of range, the user is prompt ed for the
information again. At this point the user may retry the date
entry or cancel the programming at tempt.
Set Time
Access Level Re quired: OP ER A TOR
Allows the user to specify the present time. This value
is critical to logging system shutdowns accurately and
for utilizing the scheduling ca pa bil i ties. When prompt ed
to enter a time value, the user must enter the hour and
minute desired (using leading zeroes as nec es sary). If
the chiller is presently set to 24-hour mode, the time
must be entered in the 24-hour format. Otherwise, the
user must also select AM or PM for the entered time. If
out of range, the user is prompted for the in for ma tion
again. At this point the user may retry the time entry or
cancel the programming attempt.
Clock (Enabled / Disabled)
Access Level Required: OP ER A TOR
Allows the user to enable or disable the real-time clock in
order to conserve battery life. The clock will be dis abled
during manufacturing and must be en abled at sys tem com-
missioning. In addition, when pre par ing for pro longed
shutdown the clock should once again be dis abled.
12/24 Hr
Access Level Re quired: OPERATOR
Allows the user to specify the format in which the time
will be pre sent ed to the user. This setpoint will affect the
display of the time on the chiller panel and on all reports
generated. 12-Hour time format will include the AM and
PM mod i Þ ers and show the range of time be tween 1:00
and 12:59, while the 24-Hour time format will show the
range of time between 0:00 and 23:59.
. 031-02430-000 Microboard only
Change Settings
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Used to enter the following setpoints. Pressing this key
places a green selection box around the Þ rst changeable
setpoint. The access level determines which setpoints
can be changed. Use the ▲ and ▼ keys to place the
selection box around the desired setpoint. With the
setpoint selected, press the ENTER (√) key. A dialog
box appears with the range of settings.
Chilled Liquid Pump Operation
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows a Service Technician to select chilled liquid
pump control contacts (I/O Board TB2-44/45) opera-
tion as either Standard or Enhanced. Service Technicians
refer to YORK Service Manual 160.55-M1.
Motor Drive Type
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows a Service Technician to enter the applied com-
pressor motor type as either electro-mechanical (EM),
Solid State Starter (SSS-Mod A), Solid State starter (SSS
– Mod B), Variable Speed Drive-60Hz or Variable Speed
Drive-50Hz. Service Technicians refer to YORK Service
manual 160.55-M1.
Access level Required: SERVICE
Allows a Service Technician to Enable or Disable the
anti-recycle timer. Service Technicians refer to YORK
Service manual 160.55-M1.
Power Failure Restart
Access Level Required: OPERATOR
Allows the user to select Manual or Automatic restart
after power failure.
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows a Service Technician to select either Standard
(150 seconds) or Enhanced 15 minutes –Steam Turbine
applications). Service Technicians refer to YORK Ser-
vice manual 160.55-M1.
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Allows Service Technician to select either Standard (30
seconds) or Extended (180 seconds)
Access Level Re quired: VIEW
Causes an instant return to the Home Screen.