Setpoints screen – York R123 User Manual

Page 58

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FORM 160.55-O1 (604)



This screen provides a convenient location for pro gram -
ming the most common setpoints involved in the chiller
control. This screen also serves as a gate way to a subscreen
for deÞ ning the setup of general system parameters.


Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature - Setpoint
Displays the present setpoint to which the chill er is op er -
at ing whether controlled remotely or locally. This val ue
could come from a 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10VDC or 2-
10VDC input in An a log Remote mode, PWM sig nal in
Digital Remote mode, MicroGateway interface in ISN
mode or a locally pro grammed value.

Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cy cling - Shut-
Displays the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture at
which the chiller will shut down to avoid over-cooling
the build ing. This value is calculated by sub tract ing the
Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cy cling Offset
– Shutdown from the Leaving Chilled Liq uid Tem-
per a ture Setpoint. If this value is below the absolute
min i mum allowed shut down temperature the minimum
val ue is displayed.

Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature Cy cling – Re-
Displays the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture at which

the chiller will restart after it has shut down due to over-
cooling temperature. This value is calculated by adding
the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture Cycling Offset
– Re start to the Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture

Current limit Setpoint
Displays the active Current Limit setpoint. In Local
mode, this is the locally programmed Current Limit
setpoint. In ISN remote mode, this is the setpoint re-
ceived from the MicroGateway interface. In Analog re-
mote mode, this is the setpoint received via 0-10VDC,
2-10VDC, 0-20mA or 4-20mA input. In Digital remote
mode, this is the Pulse Width Modulation input.


Local Leaving Chilled Liquid Tem per a ture -
Access Level Re quired: OPERATOR
This is the range over which an analog signal (0-20mA, 4-
20mA, 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC) in Analog Re mote Mode
or a digital sig nal (PWM) in Digital remote mode can reset
the Leav ing Chilled Liquid Temperature setpoint above
the op er a tor programmed Base Setpoint (see be low).
Pro gram ma ble as either 10°F or 20°F, with a de fault
of 20°F, it is added to the BASE value to cre ate a range
over which the remote device can reset the setpoint. For
ex am ple, if this setpoint is pro grammed for 10°F and
the operator programmed value is 45°F, then the remote
device can set the Leaving Chilled Liq uid Tem per a ture
setpoint over the range 45.0° - 55.0°F.


FIG. 25

OptiView Control Center

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