Purge screen – York R123 User Manual
Page 24

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
FIG. 8
This screen displays a cutaway view of the Purge Tank.
LED’s depict the state of the Float switches, Oil Valve
solenoid and Air Valve solenoid and the purge exhaust
count is displayed. All setpoints relating to the purge
sys tem are maintained on this screen. The Purge tank
oil level, based on the position of the ß oat switches,
is de pict ed through animation. When both the Float
Switch es are closed, the oil level is shown at its lowest
(empty) level. When both Float switches are open, the
level is shown at its highest (full) level. Levels be tween
these ex tremes are shown at midpoint.
Air Valve Solenoid (LED)
Illuminated when the Air Valve Solenoid is energized
(open), venting non-condensibles from the Purge tank.
Oth er wise, extinguished. For High EfÞ ciency (pump
assisted) purge systems, the valve is en er gized at >90.0
PSIA and de-energizes when the pressure decreases to
<80.0 PSIA. For non-assisted purge systems, the valve
is energized at >34.7 PSIA and de-energized when the
pressure decreases to <29.7 PSIA.
Top Float Switch (LED)
Illuminated when the Top Float Switch is closed,
in di cat ing the Purge Tank oil level is less than full.
Ex tin guished when it is open, indicating the level is at
max i mum (full).
Bottom Float Switch (LED)
Illuminated when the Bottom Float Switch is closed, in-
di cat ing the Purge Tank oil level is at minimum (emp ty).
Extinguished when it is open, indicating the oil level is
above minimum.
Oil Valve Solenoid (LED)
Illuminated when the Oil Valve Solenoid is energized,
Þ lling the Purge Tank with oil. Extinguished when it is
de-energized, draining the oil from the Purge tank.
Displays the pressure in the Purge Tank.
Exhaust Count
Displays the number of purge exhausts that have oc-
curred within the last 0 to 60 minutes, as displayed in
the Exhaust Window. After a 60 minute bypass at chill er
start, purge exhausts are counted until the Excess Purge
threshold is reached or the chiller shuts down, where-
up on the count is frozen. The count will be reset when
the chiller starts.
Exhaust Window
Displayed as 0 to 60 minutes. After a 60 minute bypass
at chiller start, the Exhaust Window increments from 0
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