York R123 User Manual
Page 153

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
The major por tion of maintenance on the condenser and
cooler will deal with the maintaining of the water side
of the con dens er and cooler in a clean condition.
The use of un treat ed water in cool ing tow ers, closed
water systems, etc. frequently re sults in one or more of
the following:
1. Scale Formation
2. Corrosion or Rusting
3. Slime and Algae Formation
It is there fore to the beneÞ t of the user to provide for
proper water treatment to provide for a longer and more
economical life of the equipment. The following rec-
om men da tion should be fol lowed in de ter min ing the
con di tion of the water side of the condenser and cooler
1. The condenser tubes should be cleaned annually or
earlier if conditions warrant. If the temperature dif-
fer ence be tween the water off the con dens er and the
condenser liquid temperature is more than 4° great er
than the dif fer ence recorded on a new unit it is a good
in di ca tion that the condenser tubes re quire clean ing.
They should be cleaned as instructed on page 143 of
this manual.
2. The cooler tubes under normal cir cum stanc es will
not require cleaning. If how ev er the temperature
difference between the re frig er ant and the chilled
wa ter increases slowly over the op er at ing season, it
is an indication that the cooler tubes may be fouling
or that there may be a water by-pass in the water box
requiring gasket re place ment.
Every Three Months
1. Change the purge unit dehydrator.
a. If the unit is operating;
1) When the purge unit is in the drain cycle,
close the valve in the high pres sure oil sup-
ply line and allow the unit to com plete the
drain cy cle.
2) Close con dens er gas and oil return valves and
re place the dehydrator.
3) Open all valves to return the purge unit to
nor mal operation.
1. Clean and in spect all valves which are part of the
purge unit sys tem.
2. Drain and ß ush the oil and refrigerant from the purge
unit shell.
a. Before ß ushing remove the ß oat as sem bly from
the purge unit shell.
b. Disconnect the oil line from he bottom of the
purge unit shell.
c. To clean - ß ush refrigerant from the top of the
purge unit shell and let the re frig er ant drain from
the bottom through the oil line connection.
d. After a complete ß ush ing, replace the ß oat as-
sem bly and the oil drain line.
3. Clean the following or i Þ ce.
a. One (1) oriÞ ce in the liq uid line feed to the cool-
ing coil.
b. Purge unit ex haust oriÞ ce.
4. Inspect the foul gas inlet check valve.
1. Change the de hy dra tor in the oil re turn system semi-
annually or earlier if the oil re turn system fails to
2. When the dehydrator is changed the noz zle of the
eductor should be checked for any for eign particles
that may be obstructing the jet.
1. All electrical controls should be in spect ed for ob-
vi ous mal func tions.
2. It is im por tant that the fac to ry set tings of controls
(op er a tion and safety) not be changed. If the set tings
are changed with out YORK’s ap prov al the war ran ty
will be jeop ar dized.
3. A 5-11 year life bat tery is part of the RTC-Real Time
Clock. To replace refer to Section 2.