Surge protection screen – York R123 User Manual
Page 32

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
(This feature applies to Flash Memory Card ver sion and later)
This screen displays a cutaway view of the chiller
com pres sor and all parameters relating to the Surge
Pro tec tion feature. All setpoints relating to this fea ture
are maintained on this screen.
Delta P/P
A parameter that represents the system differential or
“Head pressure”. It is calculated as (condenser pres sure
– evaporator pressure) / evaporator pres sure.
Surge Window Time
When the chiller enters run mode, this value counts
up to the time pro grammed as the COUNT WIN DOW
setpoint. When it reach es the COUNT WIN DOW min-
utes, the num ber of surge events in the oldest minute is
dis card ed and the number of surge events in the most
recent minute is added, thus pro vid ing a rolling count
of the total surge events that have occurred in the last
COUNT WINDOW min utes. This val ue is reset when
the chiller shuts down.
Surge Window Count
Displays the number of surge events that have oc-
curred in the last 1 to 5 minutes as programmed with
the COUNT WINDOW setpoint. If the chiller has been
running for less than the COUNT WINDOW minutes, it
is the number of surge events that have occurred with in
the last number of minutes dis played as the SURGE
WINDOW TIME. The count is cleared when the chiller
shuts down.
Surge Detected (LED)
Illuminates for 5 seconds each time a surge is de tect ed
by the Surge Protection feature. It does not illuminate
in response to surge events detected by the compres-
sor Variable Speed Drive Adaptive Capacity Control
Total Surge Count
Displays the total number of surge events detected over
the lifetime of the unit (up to a maximum of 65535).
These are the surge events detected by the Surge Protec-
tion feature. The surge events detected by the compressor
Variable Speed Drive Adaptive Capacity Control Board
are not included in this total.
Extended Run Time Remaining
Displays the time remaining in the 10-minute “EX-
TEND ED RUN” period. During this period, the Pre-
rotation vanes are driven closed and “Warning – Surge
Protection – Excess Surge Limit” is dis played. Refer to
operation under “Count Limit” below.
FIG. 12
OptiView Control Center