Compressor screen – York R123 User Manual
Page 28

FORM 160.55-O1 (604)
This screen displays a cutaway view of the chiller com-
pres sor, revealing the impeller and shows all con di tions
as so ci at ed with the compressor. In addition, with the
proper Access Level, the pre-rotation vanes may be
manually controlled. Animation of the com pres sor
im pel ler indicates whether the chiller is pres ent ly in a
RUN condition. This screen also serves as a gateway
to subscreens for cal i brat ing the pre-rotation vanes, cal-
i brat ing the proximity probe, conÞ guring the Hot Gas
By pass or providing advanced control of the com pres sor
motor Variable Speed Drive.
Oil Pressure
Displays the pressure differential between the high side
oil pressure transducer (compressor bearing input) and
the low side oil pressure transducer (oil sump). If ei ther
of the trans duc ers used to calculate this dif fer en tial is
out of range, the display Þ eld will show XX.X.
Oil Sump Temperature
Displays the temperature of the oil in the sump
Discharge Temperature
Displays the temperature of the refrigerant in its gas eous
state at discharge of the compressor as it travels to the
Superheat Temperature
Displays the discharge superheat temperature, cal cu -
lat ed as (Discharge temperature – Condenser Sat u rat ed
Vane Motor Switch (LED)
Illuminates when the vanes are completely closed.
Vent Line Solenoid (LED)
Illuminates when the solenoid is energized.
Pre-Rotation Vanes Control Mode
Access Level Re quired: SER VICE
Indicates whether the vanes are under manual or au to -
mat ic control.
[Pre-Rotation Vanes] Open (LED)
Access Level Required: SERVICE
Indicates whether the vanes are in the process of open ing.
[Pre-Rotation Vanes] Close (LED)
Access Level Re quired: SER VICE
Indicates whether the vanes are in the process of clos ing.
Pre-Rotation Vanes Position
(Variable Speed Drive only)
Access Level Required: SERVICE
This value displays the present position of the pre-ro-
ta tion vanes as a percentage between 0 and 100%.
FIG. 10
OptiView Control Center