York R123 User Manual

Page 107

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FORM 160.55-O1 (604)



The discharge temperature, as sensed by the Dis charge
Temperature Thermistor, has increased to > 220.0°F. The
chiller can be started after the tem per a ture de creas es to
< 220.0°F and the COMPRESSOR switch is placed in
the Stop-Reset (O) position.

The discharge temperature, as sensed by the Dis charge
Temperature Thermistor, has decreased to < 30.0°F. The
chiller can be started after the tem per a ture in creas es to
> 30.0°F and the COMPRESSOR switch is placed in
the Stop-Reset (O) position.

The oil temperature, as sensed by the Oil Temperature
Thermistor, has increased to > 180.0°F. The chiller can
be started after the temperature decreases to < 180.0°F
and the Compressor switch is placed in the Stop-Re set
(O) position.

The differential oil pressure decreased to < 15.0 PSID
while the chiller was running or failed to achieve 20.0
PSID during the last 5 seconds of the “System Prelube”
pe ri od. The differential oil pressure is the difference
be tween the output of the Sump Oil Pressure Trans duc er
(system low pressure) and the output of the Pump Oil
Pressure Transducer (system high pres sure). The chill er
can be started after the COM PRES SOR switch is placed
in the Stop-Reset (O) position.

The differential oil Pressure increased to > 60.0 PSID
while the oil pump was running. The differential oil
pres sure is the difference between the output of the
Sump Oil Pressure Transducer (system low pressure)
and the output of the Pump Oil Pressure Transducer
(system high pressure). The chiller can be started after
the dif fer en tial oil pressure decreases to < 60.0 PSID
and the COMPRESSOR switch is placed in the Stop-
reset (O) position.

A Control Power failure has occurred. If the power
fail ure duration was < the duration of the applicable
“Coastdown” period (2.5 minutes standard; 15 min utes
steam turbine), the remainder of the “Coastdown” is
performed upon restoration of power. The chiller can
be started after the COMPRESSOR switch is placed in
the Stop-reset (O) position. This message can in di cate
a Cycling (auto-restart after power failure) or Safe ty
(manual restart after power failure) shutdown, de pend ing

upon Control Center conÞ guration. It indicates a Cy-
cling shutdown when displayed in orange char ac ters;
Safety shutdown when displayed in red char ac ters. The
OptiView Control center is conÞ gured for auto-restart
or manual restart after power failure by a qualiÞ ed Ser-
vice tech ni cian following instructions in YORK Service
Manual 160.55-M1.


The three phase com pres sor mo tor current imbalance
was > 30% con tin u ous ly for 45 sec onds. The imbalance
is not checked until the chill er has been running for at
least 45 seconds and the av er age of the three phases of
motor current is > 80% of the pro grammed 100% chiller
Full Load Amps. The av er age is calculated as: Iave =
(Ia+Ib+Ic) ÷ 3. The im bal ance is calculated as:

(Ia-Iave) + (Ib-Iave) + (Ic-Iave) x 100


The Style B Solid State Starter detects the unbalance
condition and advise the Optiview Control Center
Microboard via serial communications. The Style A
Solid State Starter and Variable Speed Drives returns
the 3-phase motor current values to the Optiview Control
Center Microboard where the unbalance calculation is
performed. This safety shutdown is not performed on
Electro-mechanical starter applications

The Microboard’s software Watchdog initiated a Mi-
cro pro ces sor reset because it detected that a portion of
the chiller op er at ing Program was not be ing executed.
The result of this reset is a Safety shut down and re-ini-
tialization of the Program. This is generally in dic a tive
of a severe elec tri cal power disturbance or im pend ing
Microboard Failure. The chill er can be start ed af ter the
COM PRES SOR switch is placed in the Stop-Re set (O)
po si tion.

(Flash Memory Card version
and later)
(Applies only if Surge Protection SHUTDOWN fea ture
is Enabled) The Surge Window Count surge events ex-
ceeded the Count Limit setpoint. If the Surge Pro tec tion
Ex tend ed Run feature is Disabled, the chiller shutsdown
as soon as the count exceeds the limit. If the Ex tend ed
Run feature is Enabled, this shutdown oc curs only if the
count exceeds the limit at completion of the 10 minute
Ex tend ed Run period. The chiller can be start ed after
the COMPRESSOR Switch is placed in the Stop-Reset
(O) position.


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